We live in an age of great discovery and catastrophic concession. This age of modernity condemns mankind's ontological preeminence or any semblance of existential exceptionality. It would ask us to refute as backward any ideology of otherness or metaphysical reality while promoting as progressive the reduction man to that of ape. The mechanistic world view fails to see the dogmatic rigidity within its own fanatical ideology. This radical discontinuity with tradition has created a new cosmogenetic theory of the universe and origin of creation. This manufactured 'progressive' world view which does not exempt any alternate philosophical or metaphysical ideology from its domain of scientific reasoning. Its great failure is its imperialistic domination which denies the possibility of the realities which it cannot measure or dissect or label or classify. What lurks behind such ambition? It seeks only to assert itself to collect data to determine cause and effect as the offering to the scientific systematization of matter. While this has merit and is after all part of God's creation it is not Divine it is created also. Secularism at its core dismisses and discounts the reality of the existential enigma of otherness of non matter. Again one can readily acknowledge how the scientific method has provided invaluable advancements in medicine and science while also recognizing its own limitations and even bias. It feverishly demands absolute obedience to this materialistic secularism without any real regard or concern for the implications of such assertions. To discount the immaterial of the essence of humanity. To neglect to understand or the unwillingness to even allow for the theoretical possibility that there is an immaterial aspect of the mankind which may be in fact of greater relevance and importance then the body. It thereby contradicts its own professional code of ethics of objectivity and rationality with its denial of alternative hypothesis or the inability to actually formuliacally study the most profound questions. The metaphysical does not seek to impose itself by refuting science or linguistics or psychology. It does address the intangible the higher part of creation the life creating energy. Creation and humanity is not a mechanized macro organism. What is also true is that this science does not validate the overwhelming data that this approach which fails to even acknowledge a greater purpose or the unseen has on the psyche of mankind. The individual of faith is chastised and labeled feeble minded and highly emotional. The pandemic of depression and social isolation not examined in objective terms to address the causational relationship between demoting mankind to beasts and the ever increasing prevalence of mental illness. This is inherent in conducting any kind of research with a bias or vested interest in proving a hypothesis.
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